Sunday, August 29, 2010

God is Faithful

I went to the Womens Brunch on Saturday. It was like Mrs. Debbie was speaking directly to me and it was something I needed. Needed for my sanity.

As I grew up, I know God has taken care of me. I've always said "God's Grace, Daddy's Prayers". With everything that could have happened to me and with all the situations I grew up in, God took care of me. Now with way different circumstances, my baby, something I never even thought would happen.
You go to the hospital, in labor or being induced, you expect to have your baby and have him beside you with your family around staring at him and adoring him. Things went way different. Christmas day Ty had his first surgery, Egh! Two days later, second surgery. Ahhh! So many nights of crying myself to sleep, wondering why?
What did I do so wrong for my baby to suffer?
Why me God?
Why do you hate me so bad for my baby to suffer?
Let me take his pain.
Something so precious and sinless, how could you?
That and more went through my head, sometimes still do (to be honest). Never thought I could be so mad at God. We couldn't even pray, we didn't know how to pray all we could pray is for what we wanted. We really did want God's will to be but then again I wanted my baby's kidney to start working and him be healthy and to not have 8 stinking surgeries. What God would do that to a baby? But as soon as I said that (in my head) I thought, well God did give his only son to die on the cross for me and my sins and Ty's sins. (i was crying before i even thought of this and crying even more after i thought of it) It was like a smack in the face, WOW! I felt ashamed but still mad at the same time. My emotions everywhere.

God has been so good to us. So many people encouraging us and loving on us. Family being there for us no matter what it took. God leading and guiding every decision and everything happening even if we thought it was bad. God watching one of His miracles.
With Ty having eight surgeries his fourth surgery hit him the hardest. He had four different surgeries combined at one time, which being the nissen, g-tube, colostomy reversal and appendix removed (which we didn't know about). That whole night he would stop breathing, his heart rate would drop and they would have to bag him and help him breath. Of course, we stayed with him that whole night but God was there sitting right there with us and us knowing he would be okay.

Just thinking back to every episode of our hospital life.

First surgery on ChristmasGetting Ty's numbers strait
Getting rid of the peritoneal infection
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 surgeriesContinuous heel sticks, IV's
Spinal tap
Heart issues, etc.

Ty bounced back from every surgery and infection. There were times we wanted to give up but you look in that small bed at that small body that God gave you to take care of. He gave us Ty for a reason knowing we could stand strong for him and take care of every need, not know how but knowing that God will guide us and never leave us. Through all of this Ty has been a fighter, he fought his way through the hospital, doctors and he didn't give up on us.

I say everything to say this, God puts us through life experiences to get us through the next stage of life experiences. We may never know the reasons but do know that, God has not brought us this far to just drop us off now.

Since we've been home we have tried as much as possible to make as many memories with Ty. Our first big outing being, hiking Mount Pisgah.

He's pooped: )

Being able to be with my husband and my son and not even thinking I would be able to get this moment was awesome. So even though we have had a tough time, God has been faithful, He's been good and right beside us every move we make.

Here's a video not of Ty but another Miracle. Hope this is of some encouragement.